Thursday, October 18, 2007

Are They Running Out of Material?

I love "Go Fug Yourself," and now that I'm taking some time off (more on that in another post), I check it religiously. Luckily these witty ladies are kind enough to post for me nearly every day. But my love affair with the wit is starting to wane. These bitches are starting to get harsh. Just check out Rihanna here.

She's sleek, she's clean (for the opposite of clean, see Britney), and chic. Okay, so the distended colored tights cum leg warmers are a stretch (pun intended)--but they don't make my eyes bleed, even if they are a less than perfect attempt to be avant garde. Then there's Amber Tamblyn.

Sisterhood of the Traveling Fugs

Amber Tamblyn, Halloween isn't for weeks yet! And while it's very flattering to see that you've decided to go as me circa the fifth grade, you've forgotten the Cabbage Patch Kid (named, if I can recall correctly, Aurora Borealis or something of that ilk), my practically endless supply of novelty pencils (most of which smelled like cinnamon) and whatever book I'd brought along to entertain me at whatever fancy boring grown-up event I was apparently attending (Harriet the Spy, probably). Thank goodness you've got time to address this!

blog it

Granted, the bodice on this dress is awkwardly fitted and the ankle tattoo clashes with whole "I'm an innocent, fresh actress/ingenue" look she's going for, but the color is beautiful and her make-up is tasteful. Not enough ugly there to warrant a tongue-lashing, n'est-ce pas? And wassup with the 5th grade thing? By the 5th grade I was over the cabbage patch kid thing and wouldn't be caught dead playing with dolls. Back in my day it was all about the hello kitty pencil boxes and garbage pail kids. So ladies, please stop trying too hard, and go back to mocking the famous for it. If you don't I'll have no way to feel better about myself.